10 Ways I’m Growing My YouTube Channel Right Now

I think one of the hardest parts about YouTube is getting your first subscribers. Once you do start to get subscribers, it’s a virtuous circle. You’re motivated by the subscriber growth you’re seeing to work harder, which results in new subscribers.

But, in the beginning, you’re putting in a lot of work and seeing very little results. It can be very disheartening, and thats why many YouTubers quit.

With over a billion users, you can’t afford to not be on the platform. It’s the single best place in the world to promote your talent or expertise. Not to mention, the “number of channels earning six figures each year on YouTube has increased by 50% year over year.”

For other newcomers to YouTube, I put together a list of the different ways that I’m growing my channel, getting subscribers, and getting more views on my videos. Hope it’s helpful!

1. Optimizing for keyword search

2. Encouraging engagement

3. Linking to relevant related videos

4. Promoting via my other social media channels

5. Sharing in relevant groups online

6. Getting really good at titles and thumbnails

7. Using my newsletter and blog to my advantage

8. Creating better quality videos

9. Mentioning people and companies and notifying them

10. Promising bonus content or teasing content